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  • The Programme

    The conventional learning and teaching paradigm is changing, accelerated by the impact of the Covid pandemic. The BTD recognises this transition in its design, content and outcomes. It enables teaching practitioners to reflect modern demands, and student preferences to drive up standards and levels of achievements in educational Institutions from Schools to Colleges and Universities.

  • How It Works

    The BTD is built around 12 modules. These modules focus on the major aspects related to delivering high-quality learning sessions and broadly mirror the main themes of a full PGCE. The content is evidence-based and utilises the most up-to-date research, as well as British and global best practice on what we know works best in educational settings. This is a cutting-edge programme, incorporating high impact and low cost pedagogies and 21st century best practice.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Curious to learn more about The British Teaching Diploma: Why it was developed; Who it’s developed for; The entry criteria; How it will help you develop your career; How your institution will benefit from BTD; If you can use BTD for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) purposes; How many hours the course takes to complete; How the BTD course is delivered; How much it costs and may more answered questions then……