Our new partnership in Romania and The Balkans 

Dragonfly Training is absolutely delighted to announce a new partnership. For some months we have been in discussions with the ‘Memorable Learning Group’ in Bucharest regarding being our ‘agents’ for The British Teaching Diploma in this particular region and we are now delighted to announce that the partnership is now confirmed.

The connection between Dragonfly Training and Memorable Learning comes via two separate but interesting channels. Firstly Thomas Garside (one of our Senior Trainers who I met at his school in Zambia) has been working with Paul and Ciprian for quite some time providing training at their school in Romania. The other connection comes via Mark Evans at Filbrit and Penta, whose partnership with Dragonfly will be discussed in another article and to whom we always owe thanks.

We are very much hoping that the first cohort from Romania will be joining us in September and October. We would like to welcome on board Paul Kennedy and Peter Astbury who can be seen signing our agreement below. Ciprian Ghisa was unfortunately in another part of the country and Mark Evans was in another part of the world. So we look forward to hopefully getting a signing ceremony with all of us together soon, and I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to visiting Romania; it is a country that I have wanted to visit for so long.

Once again, a warm welcome to our partners at Memorable Learning, we look forward to a long and mutually beneficial partnership.


The British Teaching Diploma and SE Asia


Training Those Without